Saturday, 4 October 2008

What is Authonomy?

I've been asked this, so here's a quick explanation. Authonomy is a website run by HarperCollins, the publisher. It is free to register, and aspiring authors, or even published
authors, can upload their work and get comments from other visitors to the site.
there is also a facility to 'vote' for the books that you like best.

What makes this different from other sites, where you can meet other authors and discuss your work is that at the end of each calendar month, HarperCollins take the top five titles, and pass them to their Editors. Authors of these books then get feedback from the editors, and might be offered a publishing contract.

More information can be found on the site itself. See

1 comment:

  1. Yo Martin,

    How is your book cover coming along? You must nag your friend. I noticed today that none of the books in the top twenty have generic covers. I have an interest, in that you are on my shelf and will improve my talent-spotter ranking if your book goes up.

    If he lets you down, let me know and I'll do a cover for you. Just something simple with numbers, your name and the title?
